RPG Assistant

The assistant every GM have dreamed about!

RPG Assistant


RPG Assistant is a Discord bot designed to help Game Masters and RPG players in their RPG session at discord.

Get RPG Assistant to your server now and have fun playing online RPG with your friends!

How to roll dices? (The Commands)

Just use the ordinary abreviations of dice rolls from the traditional RPG systems after a “r”. Like this “r2d6” (without the quotes) to roll 2 six-sided dices, for example. The bot is able to roll until 9 dices at once. And the available dices are: d3, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d%. What are pretty much all the common dices in RPG games.

Important to say, if you want to roll a single dice, you still need to add the number of dices in the command. Like this “r1d20”. Otherwise the bot will not understand you. You know… machines…

Optionally, you can add modifiers to your roll. Also the same way you are used to see on RPGs. So, if you gain a +1 bonus from your magic sword type “r1d20+1”(or whatever dice you are using…). The same way for penalties from your… cursed sword, just change the sign like this “r1d20-1” and voilá.

Wait, but what is RPG?

Oh! I think I should start from there, right? RPG stands for role-playing game. I like to explain it as a game of telling stories. Normally, one player is the Game Master which will set up the scenario, the Non-player Characters (the Villain, the allies…) and the background story. The other players role-plays the heros. So, depending on the decisions and actions of each player the story may take different plot lines.

About the dices, they are just a way to spice the things up with some randomicity…

If you are new to RPGs maybe you need a little more than this poor explanation. There are great RPGs out there like D&D, Cyberpunk and Call of Cthulhu. One of them may be your cup of tea.


If you are experiencing any problem, bug or have any question. Please visit our Support Channel on Discord. We do not have a F.A.Q. page yet, but I will work on that.

Premium Version
